Resignation from Youthline/Youthlaw Advisory Group

After a lot of thought in recent times, it is with regret that I advise that I have resigned from my position on the Youthline and Youthlaw Urge Advisory group (YUAG) effective 4 February 2015. This was not a decision that I took lightly, however my work circumstances have changed significantly in recent years resulting in increased demands on my time and frequent travel away from home. An important part of being a member of the YUAG is to actively work on projects in between meetings and I do not think it is fair to the YUAG for me to continue to hold a position if I become unable to put the time in between meetings to help to work on projects which I fear would happen if I were to continue. Therefore after more than 6 wonderful years with the YUAG, I have decided to step down and let someone else have a go. It has been a total pleasure working with the YUAG over the years, and I like to think that we have all made a difference during that time. Thank you for all the opportunities and I look forward to bumping into everyone again at some point in the future. Personal highlights for me included the opportunity to contribute to the Youth ‘07 and Youth ’12 projects and to work with the University of Auckland and Ministry of Health in an effort to improve health and reduce instances of maltreatment/abuse of young people. I also have walked away with an excellent group of friends, and knowledge and expertise which undoubtedly have helped me reach where I am today and will continue to guide me into the future. All the best to Youthline, Youthlaw and the YUAG – you’re an awesome dedicated team of people and it has been a real pleasure working with you all.

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